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Presented by Center for Disaster Philanthropy | Hurricane Helene: How Funders Can Support Recovery

Hurricane Helene: How Funders Can Support Recovery

Presented by the Center of Disaster Philanthropy

Following the widespread impacts of Helene, our networks must endeavor to increase resilience and build out resourcing measures.

Photo: Hurricane Helene approaching Florida, Sept. 26, 2024. Credit: NOAA

From our friends at the Center for Disaster Philanthropy, join us tomorrow for a co-hosted webinar featuring panelists working actively on the ground.

Panelists include:

And by the end of this webinar, donors will:

  • Understand the most urgent and ongoing needs in affected communities.

  • Learn how chronic and repetitive disasters create additional needs.

  • Be aware of ways they can invest funds to support community needs.

In addition to Appalachia Funders Network, this webinar is co-sponsored by The Funders Network, Florida Philanthropic Network, Philanthropy Southeast, Council on Foundations, United Philanthropy Forum, National VOAD, Network and North Carolina Network of Grantmakers

September 24

Place-Based Group Meeting